Online scheduling and reservations for any business

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Description from the publisher

ScheduleThing has appointment scheduling software for any business. With our clean online interface, booking people, equipment, and locations is easy! Our online reservation system includes automated emails, internal/external access, employee rostering, calendars, unlimited resources, and more!

Category of the web application


Topics (Tags)

Appointment schedule software, online reservation systems, scheduling software

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Webwarelist is a directory for web applications, i.e. web based software that runs in your web browser. We are not listing simple online services for time table information, music listening or to view digital maps. We are compiling a list of professional Software as a Service (SaaS) applications which can be used like its corresponding desktop applications. The Web 2.0 created a lot of new web based applications, but in fact this kind of software has been around since about Web 1.5. Many of the webapps are free, free to try or charge a small fee on a monthly basis.