Website & Server Monitoring

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Description from the publisher

AlertBot is an industry leader in website and server monitoring service. AlertBot monitors websites and internet servers with the goal of gathering performance data and alerting the company of failures. The performance data is graphed and trended to help IT professionals make educated IT decisions. When a website or servers fails, AlertBot immediately diagnosis the problem from multiple geographic test locations and sends instant alerts via email, SMS and automated voice calls. Key features include: Download & verify pages, Test form submission, Testing multiple page variations, error diagnostics, error screenshots, performance tracking, interactive reports, unlimited alert contacts, alert escalation levels, multiple geographic locations, full control panel, remote test kit. Getting started with AlertBot is easy. There is no software to install, no systems to maintain, no IT resources to waist.

Category of the web application


Topics (Tags)

website monitoring, server monitoring, monitoring

Copyright by the particular publisher

More information

  • Price structure: Paid version(s), monthly payment
  • Price: $8.90, $12.90, $17.95, $29.95, $42.95, $75.95
  • Clicks: 6
  • Publisher: AlertBot
  • E-Mail the publisher: Send



Webwarelist is a directory for web applications, i.e. web based software that runs in your web browser. We are not listing simple online services for time table information, music listening or to view digital maps. We are compiling a list of professional Software as a Service (SaaS) applications which can be used like its corresponding desktop applications. The Web 2.0 created a lot of new web based applications, but in fact this kind of software has been around since about Web 1.5. Many of the webapps are free, free to try or charge a small fee on a monthly basis.